POSTED BY: Stefanie LaSalle Rob and I have gotten a lot done for our wedding, but there are still lots of things to plan and do before next September. We have been having a lot of fun lately thinking of things to put on our registry. I always imagined that it would be like making the biggest Christmas list ever - we'd ask for all the grownup toys that we can't justify spending money on normally - but It's also been a challenge evaluating all of our current possessions to decide what is missing, and what needs replacing. That pot we used all through college? Our favorite spatula that is far past it's prime? The George foreman that only heats on one side? We have started getting a little more defensive of our old things. And we can't forget about the staples of every registry - the Kitchen aid Mixer, a blender, and various other kitchen, bedroom, bathroom items. And of course, there's the china - the nice set of dishes that are reserved for hosting holidays and parties. So many fancy sets of china end up in hutches and stored away deep in the lowest of cabinets and closets, never to be seen again that we questioned if it is a good idea to ask for them at all. Between Rob and I, we brought with us plenty of silverware, cooking tools and yes, even dishes. And although we might not have matching seating for 8, we are a bit attached to the plates and forks that we've gotten used to, and we like using what we have for our special occasions. We try to only keep stuff that means something to us. That starts conversations, that reminds us of good times, our friends, our family. So I called upon my bridesmaids to make me an early wedding present - a set of china. I told them they could paint anything short of obscene and that this mismatched set of one-of-a kind plates would be what we eat off of every time they visit me until the end of time. They did not disappoint. Just as I had hoped, these plates capture the personality of each of the girls who made them. If you know my friends, you can probably guess whose is whose. Mariel Mariel is one of my oldest friends. We grew up together on the same street and from the age of ten pretty much did everything together except go to the same school. Her plate captures her classic and graceful style. Meaghan Meaghan knows me. Even though we are two very different people, we often think the same thoughts. For example, I was planning on doing a tree until she started doing one on her plate. Katelyn She couldn't come with us the first time around, but it was nice getting her all to myself when we went back over the holidays. Her art is always colorful and bold and beautiful. Tess Did I get this plate at Target? Well no, it is CUSTOM MADE just for me (and Rob). Tess went in with no plan - very risky - but it paid off, and this masterpiece began to emerge with every line she drew. Rachel If you are a fan of a certain British TV show, you will know immediately what this represents. If you aren't, you will probably still think it's a cute lil' fez and bow tie, just like my mom does. Kerry
My dear, dear little sister and maid of honor. This plate is straight up crazy. It is both very disturbing and my favorite thing I've ever owned.. Are there 14 stripes in your "interpretation" of the American flag? Yes. Why? Because that's what happened, that's why. Well there they are - our own unique brand of fine china that we will use for years to come.