POSTED BY: Stefanie LaSalle Congratulations to Meaghan! After training for the last couple of years, Meaghan was finally chosen for the LUMBERJACKIES. She worked so hard, and we're very proud of her. Looking forward to seeing her skate in the August bout.
POSTED BY: Meaghan Colerick Have you ever heard of roller derby? Chances are you have heard of it but may not know quite what it's all about. I won't go into that now, because I might never stop talking, but definitely at a later date (ask me questions... I love to talk about it). If you're interested in learning more, definitely check out the WFTDA (women's flat track derby association) website for information Back to my story. I first fell in love with roller derby after watching my first bout in 2009 in Providence. It took me four years before I got a job where I had weekends off and could actually play (all my jobs have terrible hours). In February, I decided to start playing the sport of roller derby. I showed up to the new fresh meet class, filled out the forms, bought the insurance, and started. I had bruises on my butt for about a month, but now I fall way less. Since then, roller derby has taken over a big portion of my life - practices a couple times a week, cross training, bouts, meetings, etc. - and I love all of it. This past weekend was our end of the year party (our season ended in October). Since everything in roller derby is skater run and operated we were in charge of all the food and awards. As usual, I forgot I signed up to make four awards and cookies, but I managed to pull through. I woke up at 6am on Sunday and did crafts and baking (with a break for brunch) until about 4pm. I think I could've accomplished more. All in all, it was a good day. I made a fourth award for Most Improved, but my shakey camera skills failed to capture an image that wasn't blurry. I also made some chocolate, espresso, peanut butter chip cookies at about 2pm (I bought the ingredients when I went out for my second supply run at noon). They were delicious. My roommates appreciated the extras.
And the moral of this story? Well, I'm going to start using a planner... I just have to remember to check it. Life is hard. -Meaghan |